
Looked out the window from the plane when we approached Edinburgh airport. The hills were covered in white. Snow. Left Scandinavia to get something else than a slushy winter and it seemed that Scotland had more winter to offer than home.

Limo of the day

At the car rental I was told that an uninvited guest was coming in from east. Her name was Doris and she was furious, covering her tracks in snow and cold rain. Some roads were closed due to flooding and some accidents had occurred due to the strong wind. I was getting a Smart and was told to go easy heading to the coast in such a small car. No worries, only an hour to Bamburgh. Mainly inland roads. Leaving Edinburgh behind, the snow turned into rain. And strong winds. A short drive to my home for the next two days, Waren House in Bamburgh. Went for a short jog to see the castle before getting a five course dinner. The fields were wet, soft and heavy. Running into the wind was brutal. A short loop around Bamburgh Castle aka King of Castles. Back to the dinner table. Sea bass, white crab and more was the perfect ending of a traveling day.

Bamburgh Castle

Brown shrimp ratatouille, Sea bass, Ricotta cannelloni and Vermouth sauce

Apple hazelnut crumble tart, Salted caramel fudge ice-cream and Vanilla custard

Lazy Friday with a short countryside jog getting wet feet. Visit to the castle, very nice. Another five course dinner, this time local cheese, mushrooms and duck finalizing with a fondant topped with lovely white chocolate sorbet. Checked the weather forecast - strong winds of gale force, no rain and just below eight C. Laid out shorts, tee and a wind jacket before falling deep sleep.

Late morning jog

Visit to Bamburgh Castle

Main tower inside and to the left the gate to the finishing line

Early Saturday morning, beach side long run on the program. From south, along the coast up to Bamburgh Castle, a ten k something loop and then into the courtyard of the castle. My plan was around 4:30 min/km but I knew it would probably go much slower due to wind and the muddy, soft ground. A nice training run. The briefing was out in the open, in the wind and cold rain. I was freezing so much my teeth made noise. On the shuttle to the start I got some warmth back but could not stop shivering.

The start on a soft field just below another castle. The pack took off and I followed in the middle. A bit slower than 4:30 but not too bad. Suddenly someone broke loose, another runner followed. I got curious and followed too. Pace much faster, around four and water was splashing around our feet when rushing over the fields. Soon it was only two of us. Junction. Went left, apparently wrong but I kept going around the hoping to get back on the trail. The other guy turned and went right. The pack caught up and some twenty runners on the trail when I got back on track. The other guy was cursing trying to make his way through on the single track. Soon we got back to the front and left the pack behind. I was following some ten meters behind. Some small roads and he was pushing even harder. No rain and the wind was not too bad. Got warmer.

The starting area

In a downhill, my fellow runner took off his jacket and went slower for a while. I kept my pace and passed. Straight on to a very muddy, narrow trail following a small creek. Kept on pushing through the bushes. Suddenly something grabbed my left leg and brought me down to my knees. Some natural tripwire with thorns wrapped around my calf. Got loose. Technical and soft with thorns trying to get a bite. Really hard, the breathing went crazy. Only a short section and back on hard trail.

Weather was not too bad, quite warm but windy. As long as the wind came from behind or from the side it was no problem but running into the wind was just painful. The course followed the coast line, on beaches, in sand dunes, over golf courses, through small villages and over wet, muddy farmland. The fields was soaked and very muddy and my shoes was not made for that kind of soft, slippery surface. More of a mud dance rather than running. 

The first half of the trail felt fairly easy and my engine was spinning nicely. Out on a long stretch of sandy beach the wind grabbed me from behind and pushed me direction finish line. Never felt that kind of strong wind helping me out before, pleasant experience. Almost like I could have a break for tea and yet getting forward carried by the wind. No bonus without something in return. Wide, deep streams at the end of the beach. Soft sand. Soaking wet

The final stretch on the beach up to the castle and the start of the extra loop

From 30k something the wind seemed to move a bit, the running got harder. Still following the coast on sandy trails, over muddy fields and on a few sections of beach. In the far distant the silhouette of Bamburgh castle turned up. The closer I got, the harder the struggle in the tricky side wind. More people on the beach since I was catching up the runners from the shorter races. The last few k before marathon distance was really slow and the watch showed a minute past three hours for the passing. Got to the castle for a an extra loop to make it ultra. A lot of mud, soft sand, head wind, side wind and some climbing. The last loop was by far the toughest part, not because I was tired since I was not, but because of the wind. The longest hill, eight kilometers left and it was straight into the wind over a muddy field. One of the toughest hills I have ever done. It was neither steep nor long but it was very windy and slippery. With flats on the feet, it felt like every step had to be done twice to get you forward. Once on top I almost tripped myself in the side wind when the wind blew my foot sideways. Since I was not too tired, my legs reacted fast and with some acrobatic moves saved me from falling. The last section back to the castle was an enjoyable jog. 

Finish line

Touched by forest

Wiped the dirt off my legs and put my jeans on. Had a cup of tea and a sandwich before leaving Bamburgh. Back at the airport, dropped-off the car. Getting hungry. Bus transfer to the city and luckily, it was not hard to find the hostel. A nice shower and out for dinner and a short sightseeing. After trying a few restaurants, that was all full, I decided to do a walk to the castle before eating. It was dark, the castle was all nicely lit up. The views over the city was great but I was getting even more hungry. Just stayed for a few minutes. Found the perfect place just next to the castle, liked the menu plus they had a whisky bar. Full. But possible to use the bar. Went in for a starter, a glass of Laphraoig Lore and Lagavulin each.  Lovely.

Edinburgh Castle

Scottish starter

This was merely a short trip so the next morning I left for London to spend just enough time for a jog in Hyde Park and one around Battersea Park.

Sometimes I pass through Stockholm underground on my way to Kista, just north of Stockholm, for work. The worst place to spend time, you get ran over by people, you get ran over by rolling bags and you never get an "I´m sorry" or "Excuse me" (ursäkta). People hurry in London as well, but they hurry in style with good manner. Maybe the people of Stockholm should go to London to learn how to behave when on the go?

Heading back to...


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